1 Corinthians 5 – Shortcode
1 Corinthians 5 – Shortcode
Rebuking Fornication
- Fornication is actually reported among you. And fornication of such a kind that it’s not even done among the pagans, insomuch as someone has the wife of his father.
- And you are *puffed up. And more, you weren’t grieved at all, so that the man who did this deed might be removed from your midst.
- For indeed I’m absent in body but present in spirit, and like I’m present, I have already judged the man who committed this deed this way.
- When you (and my spirit) are assembled with the power of our Lord Jesus, then in the name of our Lord Jesus
- you are to deliver such a man to Satan for the ruin of the flesh, so that his spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord.
- Your boast isn’t good. Don’t you *know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?
- Purge the old leaven so you might be a new lump of dough, just as you are unleavened. For also our Passover lamb was sacrificed – the Anointed –
- so we might observe the feast; not in old leaven, nor in the leaven of malice and wickedness, but in the unleavened bread of purity and truth.
Don’t socialize with “Christian” fornicators
- I wrote to you in my letter that you aren’t to socialize with fornicators,
- not at all meaning the fornicators of this world – or the coveters, and robbers, or idolaters – since then you’d need to depart from the world.
- But now, I wrote telling you not to socialize with anyone calling himself a brother if he’s a fornicator, or a coveter, or an idolater, or a slanderer, or a drunkard, or a robber. Don’t even eat with such a man.
- For why is it my place to judge the men outside the church? Don’t you judge the men inside the church?
- However, God judges the men outside. Remove that wicked man from among you.