2 Corinthains 5 – Shortcode
2 Corinthains 5 – Shortcode
Cost and Reward of the Gospel
- For we *know that if our earthly house (the tent of our body) is destroyed, we have a building from God; a house of ages in the heavens which is made without hands.
- For we also groan internally in this tent, longing to clothe ourselves with our dwelling from heaven.
- And indeed, if we clothe ourselves we won’t be found naked.
- For we also groan internally as the men who are in the tent; being burdened since we don’t want to unclothe ourselves, but to clothe ourselves so the mortal might be swallowed up by life.
- But the One who prepared us for this same thing is God, who gave us the down payment of the Spirit.
- Therefore, we’re always being courageous and *knowing that while being at home in the body, we’re away from our home with the Lord.
- For we walk by faith, not by sight.
- Yet we’re courageous, and think it better to be away from our home in the body and to be at home with the Lord.
- Therefore, we’re also zealous to be pleasing to Him, whether being at home or being away from home.
- For all of us must be revealed before the judgement seat of the Anointed so each might receive back the things done through the body, whether good or evil; to each according to what he did,
- Therefore, *knowing the reverent fear of the Lord, we convince men and we have been obvious to God, and I also hope to have been obvious in your consciences too.
Jesus’ death and Reconciliation
- We aren’t commending ourselves to you again; but giving you an opportunity to boast on our behalf, so you might have an answer to the men boasting in appearance and not in the heart.
- For if we were beside ourselves, it’s for God; if we’re of sound mind, it’s for you.
- For the ^love of the Anointed compels us, having judged this: that One died for the sake of all, therefore all died.
- And He died for the sake of all, so the men living might no longer live for themselves; but for the One who died and was raised for their sake.
- So then, from now on we *view no one according to the flesh. Even if we have known the Anointed according to the flesh, yet now we don’t know Him that way anymore.
- Therefore, if anyone is in the Anointed, he’s a new creation. The original things passed away; behold, the new things have come.
- And all things are from God, the One who reconciled us to Himself through the Anointed and gave us the ministry of reconciliation,
- so that in the Anointed, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not taking their missteps into account against them, and having put the message of reconciliation in us.
- Therefore, we are ambassadors on behalf of the Anointed. As God is calling through us, we plead on behalf of the Anointed: “Be reconciled to God”.
- He made the One who didn’t know sin, a sin offering for our benefit, so that we might become God’s righteousness in Him.