1 Corinthians 5 – Shortcode

Rebuking Fornication
  1. Fornication is actually reported among you.  And fornication of such a kind that it’s not even done among the pagans, insomuch as someone has the wife of his father.
  2. And you are *puffed up.  And more, you weren’t grieved at all, so that the man who did this deed might be removed from your midst.
  3. For indeed I’m absent in body but present in spirit, and like I’m present, I have already judged the man who committed this deed this way.
  4. When you (and my spirit) are assembled with the power of our Lord Jesus, then in the name of our Lord Jesus1There are four ways to assemble the three significant parts of this verse with the infinitive verb “to deliver” in the beginning of the next verse. The principle parts are: the phrase “in the name” (of our Lord Jesus), the participle “being assembled”, the phrase “with the power” (of our Lord Jesus).   In a shortened form, here are the ways to look at it: (1) “Assembled in the name… with the power of Jesus deliver…”  (2) “Assembled in the name and with the power…  deliver…”  (3) “Assembled… in the name and with the power deliver…”  (4) “Assembled with the power… in the name of Jesus deliver…”  Versions #2 and #3 seem out of place because they repeat the authority/power twice in the same clause.  While #1 has no obvious issues, the phrase “in the name” is more commonly used of pronouncements in the New Testament, (as in 2 Thessalonians 3:6; Acts 3:6; Acts 16:18).  Therefore (#4) was chosen.
  5. you are to deliver such a man to Satan for the ruin of the flesh, so that his spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord.
  6. Your boast isn’t good.  Don’t you *know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?
  7. Purge the old leaven so you might be a new lump of dough, just as you are unleavened.  For also our Passover lamb was sacrificed – the Anointed –
  8. so we might observe the feast;2During the Feast of Unleavened Bread (The Passover), the Jews were required by the Mosaic Law to remove all the leaven/yeast from their houses, and to abstain from eating leaven. (Exodus 12:15-20)  Those who ate leaven during this period were “cut off” from the people.   In the law, there was a symbolic connection between leaven and sin, which Jesus also alluded to. (Matthew 16:6-12).  Thus, being “unleavened” can symbolize righteousness or being without the stain of sin. not in old leaven, nor in the leaven of malice and wickedness, but in the unleavened bread of purity and truth.
Don’t socialize with “Christian” fornicators
  1. I wrote to you in my letter that you aren’t to socialize with fornicators,
  2. not at all meaning the fornicators of this world – or the coveters, and robbers, or idolaters – since then you’d need to depart from the world.
  3. But now, I wrote telling you not to socialize with anyone calling himself a brother if he’s a fornicator, or a coveter, or an idolater, or a slanderer, or a drunkard, or a robber.  Don’t even eat with such a man.
  4. For why is it my place to judge the men outside the church?  Don’t you judge the men inside the church?
  5. However, God judges the men outside.  Remove that wicked man from among you.3quotation/allusion to several verses in Deuteronomy, namely: 13:5, 17:7, 21:21, and 22:21