1 Corinthians 8 – Shortcode
1 Corinthians 8 – Shortcode
Things Sacrificed to Idols
- Now, about things sacrificed to idols. We *know that we all have knowledge; knowledge puffs up, but ^love builds up.
- If anyone thinks to have known anything, he didn’t yet know as it’s required to know.
- But if anyone ^loves God, he is *known by Him.
- Therefore, about food sacrificed to idols; we *know that an idol in the world is nothing, and that there’s no God except One.
- For indeed, even if some are being called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords),
- But to us, there’s one God – the Father – from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord – Jesus the Anointed – through whom all things exist, and we exist through Him.
- But this knowledge isn’t in all men. And until now, some are accustomed to eating food sacrificed to an idol as if the idol is real; and their conscience – being weak – is defiled.
- But food won’t bring us close to God; we neither fall short if we don’t eat, nor excel if we do eat.
- But beware, lest your liberty in this somehow becomes a stumbling block to the weak.
- For if someone sees you (the man having knowledge) reclining at the table in an idol’s temple, with his conscience being weak, won’t he be encouraged to eat the things sacrificed to idols?
- For then the weak man is ruined by your knowledge, the brother for whom the Anointed died.
- And thus, in sinning against the brothers and wounding their weak conscience, you sin against the Anointed.
- Therefore, if food ensnares my brother, I definitely won’t eat meat sacrificed to idols through the age, so I won’t ensnare my brother.