Category: Shortcode

Luke 17 – shortcode

Millstones, faith, and forgiveness And He said to His disciples: “It’s impossible for baits that ensnare not to come, nevertheless, woe to him through whom they come. “It would …

Luke 15 – shortcode

Seeking the lost Now, all the tax collectors and the sinners were approaching Him to listen to Him. And both the scribes and the Pharisees were grumbling, saying: “This …

Luke 8 – shortcode

The women providing supplies And it happened in the time just after, that He also was traveling city-by-city and village-by-village, proclaiming and announcing the good news of the kingdom …

Luke 7 – shortcode

The centurion’s faith When He completed all His words in the hearing of the people, He entered into Capernaum. Now, a centurion’s slave who was precious to him was …