Category: Shortcode
Qualifications for Overseers This saying is trustworthy: if any man aspires to an overseer’s office, he longs for a good work. Therefore, it’s required for an overseer to be …
Pray for all First of all therefore, I urge intercessions, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings to be made on behalf of all men; for kings and all the men being …
The Ministry For brothers, you yourselves *know that our coming to you hasn’t been in vain. But having previously suffered and having been mistreated in Philippi, (just as you …
Continued instruction Masters, give your slaves what is right and fair, *knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. Continue steadfastly in prayer, being alert in it with …
Stand Firm in the Lord So then my beloved and longed-for brothers – my joy and crown – stand firm in the Lord this way beloved. I urge Euodia …
The law, sin, and death Or don’t you know brothers – for I speak to men knowing the law – that the law has authority over a man for …
Israel’s Remnant Therefore I say: “Didn’t God reject His people?” May it never be! For I’m also an Israelite of Abraham’s seed, of Benjamin’s tribe. God didn’t reject His …
Godly Behavior (Continued) Don’t rebuke an older man, but encouragingly reprove him as a father, and younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters …
Jesus is arrested Having said these things, Jesus went out with His disciples across the winter-stream of Kidron where a garden was, into which He and His disciples entered. …
The Spirit will come “I have said these things to you so you might not stumble. “They will make you exiles from the synagogue, but an hour is coming …