Category: Shortcode
Jesus heals a man who was born blind And while passing by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him a question, saying: …
Feeding five thousand After these things, Jesus departed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (also called Tiberias). And a great crowd was following Him because they …
Water to wine And the third day, a wedding happened in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus and His disciples were also invited …
The Word In the beginning, the Word was existing; and the Word was existing with God and the Word was existing as God. He was existing in the beginning …
Personal Greetings Now, I commend our sister Phoebe to you, (who’s also a servant of the church in Cenchrea) so you might receive her in the Lord in a …
Gain and Loss in the Gospel Finally my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. Indeed, it’s not irksome for me to write the same things to you, but it’s without …
Sons and heirs And I say this: for as long a time as the heir is a child, he differs from a slave in nothing though being lord of all …
Righteousness through Grace, not Law You foolish Galatians! Who bewitched you , before whose eyes Jesus the Anointed was publicly portrayed as having been crucified. I only want to …
Marriage and Sex Now, about what you wrote. It’s noble for a man to not touch a woman sexually. But because of temptation to fornication, let each man have the …
Lawsuits Among Believers When having a case against another brother, does any of you dare to bring it to court before the unjust and not before the saints? Or don’t you …