Category: Shortcode

Matthew 1 – Shortcode

Jesus’ Genealogy The genealogy scroll of Jesus the Anointed; the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham fathered Isaac. And Isaac fathered Jacob. And Jacob fathered Judah and …

Matthew 7 – Shortcode

Judging Hypocritically “Do not judge, so you might not be judged. “For you will be judged by whatever verdict you judge.  And you will be measured by whatever standard you …

Matthew 10 – Shortcode

Instructing the Twelve And having summoned His twelve disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal every chronic disease and every sickness. And …

Matthew 15 – Shortcode

Man’s Tradition vs God’s Commandments Then some scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem approach Jesus, saying; “Why do your disciples defy the tradition of the elders?  For, they don’t wash …