Bearing Burdens Brothers, even if a man is overtaken in some misstep you (the spiritual men) restore such a man in a spirit of gentle strength, while watching yourself …
Healing on the Sabbath and casting out demons And He entered into the synagogue again, and a man having a *withered hand was there. And they were watching Him …
Parable of the Worker’s Pay “For the kingdom of the heavens is like a man – a master of a house – who at dawn immediately went out to …
The Greatest in the Kingdom In that hour, the disciples approached Jesus saying: “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens?” And having summoned a young …
Book placeholder backup: (see in Text editor) Ephesians Chapter 6 ==================== (sc name=”confirmback”) ==================== (sc name=”booknavmenu”) Click on Chapter to expand text Click Here to Collapse …